Our Service


Our Approach

A two-day action learning workshop, facilitated by Johan Bolt, where the participants will work through seven exercises to craft a compelling emotional story for the brand. Every exercise will have a detailed brief regarding the principles, and illustrated with examples, of effective brand design.

The Process

A unique seven part brand design process where multi-disciplinary principles are integrated into a compelling story structure.

Act 1

The Characters :
profile the protagonist (the target consumer or customer), describe the occasion and define his/her ambition.

Act 2

The External Conflict:
profile the antagonist, create the inciting incident and define his/her unsatisfied external need.

Act 3

The Internal Struggle:
deepen the internal pains the antagonist has created with the external conflict, frame the competitors for their contribution in it and create a burning desire for a possible solution.

Act 4

The Brand Proposition:
create empathy with the plight of the protagonist by personifying the brand as mentor, demonstrate authority by proposing a superior value proposition as a plan to solve the problem and call the protagonist to take action with it

Act 5

The External Advantages :
demonstrate the functional advantages of the superior value proposition

Act 6

Internal Achievement:
protagonist emerge as hero and fulfils ambition


The End:
personal transformation, lessons learned and moral of the story


The Benefits

  • Research has shown that consumers and customers will pay extra, stay longer and spend more on products and services when they’re moved emotionally by the story they are experiencing. And they will tell the story of their experience forward, thus selling the brand to others.
  • Research has also shown that brands who optimize the emotional connection with consumers and customers outperform competitors substantially in both sales and gross margin.

Looking to build a better brand ?

Please contact us for a more informative presentation on what we can do for you.